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What is club membership?
USASF member clubs have the unique ability to elevate All Star in extraordinary ways by leveraging the expertise and resources of our network of regional directors, rules officials and fellow members. Your membership gives athletes access to the highest performance standards in All Star.

The USASF provides resources for member clubs that resonate on local, national and global levels. From age grids and rostering that promote fair play and compliance to our business-building tools and enrichment programs, the USASF is prepared to be your partner in All Star.


Annual Membership Fee:  $100

Membership Term
The membership term runs June 1 of the current year through May 31 of the following year. No prorated options are available. Membership purchases are nonrefundable and nontransferrable.
Need help with registration or renewal?
Visit the Guide to the Member Experience with step-by-step instructions for completing the registration/renewal process.
Our team is available should you need further assistance. Please email


  1. Access to USASF sanctioned competitions
  2. Access to competitions offering bids to The Cheerleading Worlds and The Dance Worlds
  3. Inclusion in the USASF Club Finder                                
  4. Enrollment in the USASF Member Perks Program
  5. Membership in the nation’s largest network of All Star club owners, coaches, event producers and the companies that serve them
  6. The Peer mentoring from Connection Leaders who share their expertise
  7. Growth and Business Builders such as FUNdamentals and NoviceSELECT programs to increase athlete membership
  8. Opportunity to contribute to the safety, integrity and growth of All Star through committees, polls, attendance at the National Convention and Regional Assemblies
  9. Access to the Gym Insurance Program
  10. Weekly 2.3.0. newsletter with the latest All Star news
  11. Support from USASF Regional Directors for onboarding and support


Valued members are being rewarded for their prudent practice! USASF thanks Insight Risk Management for fighting for our All Star members and their insurance coverage and cost. This program has been designed for U.S. based USASF clubs specializing in the instruction of cheerleading, STUNT and competitive dance. This policy does not provide coverage for injury to employees. Contact the following for state specific workers compensation coverage if desired. Coverage for transportation of athletes/participants is not provided under this policy. If you have other ongoing activities they may be excluded under this policy, please contact Insight Risk Management for the appropriate coverage.

Lynn Kulbeth
Insight Risk Management, LLC
7200 Goodlett Farms Parkway
Cordova, TN 38016
Phone: 901-202-8612
Fax: 901-278-2635

Brooke McFadden
Insight Risk Management, LLC
7200 Goodlett Farms Parkway
Cordova, TN 38016
Phone: 901-202-8622
Fax: 901-278-2635

Click here for complete details and to register


When you create a club account, a coach account for the club owner is automatically generated. Both the club account and the coach account need to be paid for, and all application requirements must be fulfilled. If you already have a coach account, please email before setting up a new club account to prevent creating duplicate coach accounts.

Annual Membership Fee:  $75

Membership Term
The membership term runs June 1 of the current year through May 31 of the following year. No prorated options are available. Membership purchases are nonrefundable and nontransferrable. 


  1. Access to USASF-sanctioned competitions
  2. JDP background checks with verified identification at no added cost
  3. Abuse prevention training at no added cost
  4. Use of the USASF Coach app through which videos of skills may be submitted to verify legality
  5. Opportunity for written testing for cheer and/or dance credentialing
  6. Inclusion in the USASF All Star Adult Directory with designations for building and tumbling credentialing, background screening green light determination and abuse prevention training
  7. Accident insurance coverage — $5 million catastrophic accident insurance. Coverage only applies to on-site practices and competitions at USASF-sanctioned competitions and at supervised practices and instruction in member clubs.
  8. Enrollment in the USASF Member Perks Program.


Division classification, as an eligible split, is applied to Elite tier divisions only. Division classification is based on the total number of Elite athletes within a club.

Once a club reaches 126 Elite tier athletes, it becomes ineligible for Division II.

For clubs with multiple locations, division eligibility is based on the total number of Elite athletes across all locations. This includes all Cheer Elite athletes who are on the roster and compete during the current season, including those in Cheer Elite International divisions.

Once an athlete is classified as an Elite athlete, they will remain part of the total count of Elite athletes for the season, even if they no longer compete with the club. For example, if an athlete is injured, quits or is removed from the roster, they will still be included in the total number of competitive athletes for that season.
Read More

If an Elite athlete begins the season with one club and competes, then switches to another club and competes on an Elite team there, they will be counted as part of the total Elite athletes for both clubs.

Once a club reaches 126 Elite athletes, it becomes ineligible for Division II, regardless of when they exceed 125 athletes. The club must then compete in Division I for the remainder of the current season, if applicable.

Clubs can choose to opt into Division I status at any point during the season. However, once a club has opted into Division I, they cannot return to Division II for the remainder of that season.

A club's division status may change during the season, such as moving from Division II to Division I. The USASF member database records the roster with the division status at the time of each event. If a club's division changes midseason, it is the club's responsibility to inform the event producer, as this may affect bid eligibility.

The USASF will not communicate division changes on behalf of the clubs. However, event producers may request the USASF to verify division status for year-end events.



How much is the club membership fee?

    The club membership fee is $100 per term/competition season. The membership term/season is June 1-May 31. Prorated memberships are not available.

How do I pay for my club account?

    Log in to your account > Choose CLUB profile.

How do I pay for my coach/owner fee?

    Log in to your account > Choose COACH profile.
    You will be guided through the renewal process.

How often do I have to renew my coach membership?

    Membership must be renewed each term/competition season. The membership term/season is June 1 - May 31 regardless of when you join or renew. Prorated memberships are not     available.

I’m in my club account but I don’t see tabs for teams, events, etc.

    You will not see these tabs until the club is eligible. In order for your club to be eligible, each owner listed in the owner profile must be an eligible coach member with current     background screening green lights and abuse prevention training.

How do I become eligible?

    Each club owner must have an eligible coach profile. Eligibility requirements are:
    - an active/paid membership for the current season
    - a background check with a green light determination
    - completed abuse prevention education

I’ve paid my club and coach/owner fees. Why does my club profile still say ineligible?

    In order for your club to be eligible, each owner listed in the club profile must be an eligible coach member with a current background screening green light and abuse prevention     education.
  • How do I add an owner?
    An owner must first have an eligible coach profile. 
    From the CLUB account:
        - Go to MY PROFILE > OWNERS.
        - Click CREATE.
        - From the drop-down arrow, select the appropriate coach name > SAVE.
        - Go to MY PROFILE > LOCATIONS. 
        - Click your location name to open > OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT.
        - Click EDIT > +ADD > place check by new owner name > SAVE.
        - Assign a percentage to all owners to equal 100% > SAVE.
  • How do I add an owner?
    An owner must first have an eligible coach profile. 
    From the CLUB account:
        - Go to MY PROFILE > OWNERS.
        - Click CREATE.
        - From the drop-down arrow, select the appropriate coach name > SAVE.
        - Go to MY PROFILE > LOCATIONS. 
        - Click your location name to open > OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT.
        - Click EDIT > +ADD > place check by new owner name > SAVE.
        - Assign a percentage to all owners to equal 100% > SAVE.
  • How do I remove an owner?
    From the CLUB account:
        - Go to MY PROFILE > LOCATIONS.
        - Click your location name to open > OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT > EDIT.
        - Click REMOVE next to the owner's name.
        - Adjust the ownership percentage of the remaining owner(s) to equal 100% > SAVE.
        - Go to MY PROFILE > OWNERS > owner’s name.
        - Click DETACH (to remain as a coach with your club).
        - Click DROP (to remove as owner and coach completely from your program).
I have forgotten my username and/or password. What should I do?
   - Log in at
   - Use the FORGOT PASSWORD option and a reset email will be sent to you.
   - If you can’t remember the email address associated with the account or have other issues, contact and provide your athlete’s name and DOB.
I have requested a password reset but I have not received the email. I've even checked in my spam folder. What do I do now?
   - Please add to your address book (contact list). 
   - Log in to your account and use the FORGOT PASSWORD option again. 
   - If you continue to have issues, contact
I no longer use the email address that is associated with my account. How can I change my email address/username?
   - Please contact Provide the athlete name, DOB, current email address and the email address you prefer.    
Can I pay membership fees for my coaches?
    From the CLUB account:
    Place a check by the name(s) you wish to pay.
    Scroll to the payment screen, and follow prompts to submit payment.

How do I check to see if my coaches have completed their eligibility requirements?
    From the CLUB account:
    Click COACHES. 
    A list of coaches will display with membership expiration dates, background check status, abuse prevention training status and any credentials they may hold.

Can I create profiles for my coaches?
    No. The individual coach has to create a NEW coach profile. 

If a coach already has a membership account:
    Click INVITE COACH and enter the email address associated with their account.
    They will receive a notification in their member account to ACCEPT the invitation to join your club.
All activity for personnel members is initiated through the club account:
    Clubs create personnel account profiles.
    Clubs pay personnel membership fees.
    The individual personnel member must log into their own account to complete background checks and abuse prevention education.

Can I pay membership fees for my Personnel?
    Yes! In fact, personnel memberships can only be paid through the club account. 
    From the CLUB account:
    Place a check by the name(s) you wish to pay.
    Scroll to the payment screen and follow prompts to submit payment.

How do I create personnel accounts?
    Personnel profiles can only be created in the CLUB account. Personnel members now have the ability to log in to a dashboard to complete their eligibility requirements and upload a     headshot. 
    From the CLUB account:
    Enter profile information as prompted > SAVE.
    Follow the steps in the above question to pay the membership fee.

How do I create memberships for minors who are junior coaches, buddies or helpers?
    Junior personnel are coaches, Exceptional Athlete buddies or other staff under the age of 18 who need to be included on a team roster. 
    Follow the directions in the above question to create profiles for junior personnel who do not have existing memberships. When the system recognizes the individual as a minor, it will     waive the membership fee. It is the responsibility of the club to create a regular coach account for any junior personnel once they turn 18.

    Junior personnel with existing athlete accounts:
    From your club account:
    Click the ATHLETE tab.
    Open the athlete’s profile.

How do personnel members complete background checks and abuse prevention training?
    The personnel member must go to to login
    Click Start Background Check and complete steps to submit screening. 
    Click Start/Resume in the Abuse Prevention Training box on the dashboard.
    NOTE:  If you do not see these options, then the membership has not been paid by the club yet. 

How does a personnel member get an ID card?
    The USASF offers two ID options:

    FREE digital ID
    From the CLUB account:
    Place a check by the personnel member’s name.
    Return to the PERSONNEL tab > DIGITAL ID CARD.
    Place a check by the personnel member’s name.
    Follow prompts to create a digital ID.
    Click SEND DIGITAL ID for the ID to be emailed directly to the personnel member to store on their phone.

    Plastic ID card for $15
    From the CLUB account:
    Place a check by the personnel member’s name.
    Complete the steps, upload a photo and make payment as prompted.